How to find a Paraguay immigration lawyer?

You just found your Paraguayan immigration lawyer. But do you need an immigration attorney in Paraguay to apply for the permanent residency and the citizenship?

First of all, our company, the First Paraguayan Immigration and Investment Consultancy provides legal services; our head office is in the capital, Asunción. You can contact us at the, or you can send WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. messages to +595991656263.

Our immigration and investment lawyers are speaking English, German, Spanish, Guaraní, Portuguese, Italian, and Hungarian languages. 

You can visit us; the address is Avenida General Santos esq Concordia, in the “Complejo Santos”, Officina 11. We are in front of the DHL office, and the next office space is the Ministry of Communication

Do you need an immigration lawyer in Paraguay?

There are applicants, who obtain the permanent residence permit of Paraguay alone, however only through the “deposit” option. This process will take a lot of time (3-12 months), and still, you did only half of the job and can start the new process for the ID card. (remember this post please, when you will spend endless hours in queues in the front of different governmental authorities. There will be 40+ Celsius, and your lawyer could do most of the tasks without you or much faster). 

Before starting the process, you have to decide your plans:

  • You want to live in Paraguay
  • You want to maintain the permanent resident status from abroad (for taxation, secure future, freedom of travel, a better school for the children, etc.)

If you want to live in Paraguay, then you will need legal help to apply for the permanent residence permit, the ID, the RUC (Paraguayan Tax Number), etc.

If you don’t want to live in Paraguay, then additionally you will need a physical address, international tax compliance, local tax return filing and other related services. To be able to maintain your resident status and not to lose contact with Paraguay. 

What about using fixers instead of a Paraguayan immigration attorney?

There are good fixers in Paraguay, but most of them have no legal and financial knowledge. You can also count with several “additional or hidden costs”. This unpleasant issue can’t happen if you choose a registered immigration agent, like us. The other vital question is if their service includes the ID card as well (at least) or you pay the fees for the half of the process. 

Do you get the Paraguay permanent resident status through the residency by investment programme?

Then you must have an immigration lawyer in Paraguay because you will have to form a company as well during the immigration process. As this scheme is responsible for your investment, my advice is to do not even try it without legal help. 

Do you want to get Paraguay citizenship?

You definitely will need a good lawyer as our colleagues. You will have to qualify for the citizenship, take citizenship exams, and cut through a lot of red tapes involved. It’s a hard task alone, more than challenging. 

Paraguay immigration lawyer related services

  • temporary residence permit
  •  work visa
  • study visa
  • religious visa
  • permanent residency through the “deposit” option
  • permanent residency by investment program (SUACE)
  • naturalisation and citizenship
  • ID card (cédula)


Additional services in immigration:

  • physical address (and renewal of the Vida y Residencia certificate)
  • tax number
  • driver’s license
  • local and international tax compliance
  • investment management and available projects
  • real estate
  • accountancy

Do you need the best immigration lawyers in Paraguay? 

Click here and let us know your questions! We are here to give you legal information and hold your hand through the entire process of immigration in Paraguay until you receive the citizenship.